Feb 1, 2011

Google Launches Voice-to-Twitter Service To Help Protesters in Egypt

Engineers from Google, Twitter and SayNow (which Google acquired last week) were hard at work building a speak-to-tweet service for protesters in Egypt this weekend. The service, which is already live, makes users to send tweets using a voice connection. Anyone can tweet by leaving a voicemail on one of three international phone numbers:
. Tweets sent using the service will automatically include the hashtag #egypt.
People can also listen to the messages by dialing the above numbers, and by clicking on the links posted to @speak2tweet.
“We hope that this will go some way to helping people in Egypt stay connected at this very difficult time. Our thoughts are with everyone there,” Ujjwal Singh, co-founder of SayNow, and Google product manager Abdel Karim Mardini wrote in a blog post.


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